Skin & Bone Health Package/皮膚與骨骼套裝



Be the skin cleansing foam Willow BHA (1%) Tight feeling zero Blackhead zero Pore zero Waste zero Bubble up It is a cleansing foam that cleans dead skin cells every day without irritation and removes makeup residues and blackheads accumulated in pores with rich foam. The patented green fruit (shine muscat, green papaya, green apple, and green plum) ingredients protect the skin barrier by forming a natural protective film to keep it moist and comfortable even after washing your face. 150g Made in Korea Be the skin 洗面膏 柳樹 BHA (1%) 零緊繃感 零黑頭 零毛孔 泡泡感 這款洗面膏是一種清潔泡沫,可以每天清潔死皮細胞,不會刺激,並以豐富的泡沫去除積聚在毛孔中的化妝品殘留物和黑頭。 獲得專利的綠色水果(閃亮麝香、青木瓜、青蘋果和青梅)成分通過形成天然保護膜保護皮膚屏障,即使洗臉後也能保持濕潤和舒適。 150克 韓國製造 天然海藻鈣 「健鈣易」中的鈣質取自北歐無污染海域的紅海藻,成份天然,更易吸收,全面提供骨骼所需營養,達到補鈣、鎖骨及活化三重功效,改善骨質密度,並支持胎兒骨骼發展。 主要成份 鈣及鎂(來自純天然海藻植物),活性鐵質,鋅,菊糖 (益生元),天然維他命D3 (來自羊脂) 健鈣易成人及孕婦配方的特點 每食用份量提供100%每日所需鈣質 鈣鎂鋅+維他命D3,集齊四種骨骼必需營養 易吸收,生物利用率比傳統鈣鎂補充劑高100% 蘊含72種天然礦物,骨質合成比例增加3倍 專利高活性鐵質吸收率高3.4倍 添加益生元,不易引起偶發性便秘或腸胃問題 體積較小,更易吞服 建議服用量: 成人、準備懷孕女士每日服2-4粒 青少年、長者、孕婦、哺乳期婦女每日服4-6粒 請存放於陰涼及乾爽的地方 包裝 : 1125mg x 120粒 「健鈣易」成人及孕婦配方採用天然紅海藻鈣和鎂,蘊含72 種天然礦物,配合維他命D3,更易消化吸收,改善骨質密度和活動能力。星級配方添加高活性鐵質和天然益生元,有效預防缺鐵及改善腸胃健康。 原裝瑞典製造 優質保證 獲瑞典藥物管理局頒發藥品級GMP證書,符合歐盟及世界衛生組織指引 使用食品安全最高規格,符合ISO 22000及HACCP要求。 獲發優質食品證書,證實「健鈣易」成份天然,適合人體服用。 認清產地條碼,原裝瑞典生產、包裝的產品、條碼頭三位數字為「730-739」 Natural algae calcium Calcium content in “Ca Easy” is extracted from red algae. The natural source of calcium enhances absorption of calcium and strengthens bone and teeth health. It can also enhance bone density as well as support fetus’s bone development. Effective Ingredients Calcium and magnesium (from natural algae), ferrous glycine, zinc gluconate, prebiotics (inulin), vitamin D3 (from lanolin) Ca Easy Adult & Pregnancy Formula Provide 100% daily calcium requirement per serving Includes 4 essential nutrients of bone, which are Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc and Vitamin D3 Maximizing calcium absorption, bioavailability doubled in comparison with conventional synthetic zinc supplement Comprehensive formulation with 72 kinds of natural minerals Contains Ferrochel® iron with 91% absorption rate Includes prebiotics that do not lead to occasional constipation Smaller size, easier to ingest Dosage suggestions Adults, women planning for pregnancy: 2-4 tablets per day Teenagers, elderly, pregnant women, lactating women: 2-3 tablets each time, 2 times per day Please store in a cool dry place Content per tablet: 1125mg x 120 tablets The unique and comprehensive formulation contains natural algae calcium and magnesium with 72 kinds of natural minerals. With the help of vitamin D3, the adsorption can thus be enhanced. "Ca Easy" helps you to improve bone health and physical performance. Patented ferrochel® iron and natural prebiotics are included in the brand-new product, effective in preventing iron deficiency and improving gastrointestinal health. Authoritive Quality Assurances: Natural and safe “Ca Easy Adult & Pregnancy Formula” is produced by pharmaceutical grade GMP factory, which ensure that the products are manufactured in accordance with EU and World Health Organization regulations Meet the highest food safety standard, include ISO 22000 and HACCP The manufacturer in Sweden is awarded by Swedish National Food Administration that “Ca Easy Adult & Pregnancy Formula” is produced under high quality control Product manufactured and packed in Sweden, the first three digits must be “730-739” 韓國濟州島人氣健康產品推薦👏👍✌️ 要提昇免疫力? 想懷孕? 懷孕期間的恩物,讀書考試要提昇記憶力? 降低血壓? 降低高血脂? 記憶大不如前? 有痛風? 紅海參就是一個非常好的選擇! 海參簡介 1. 海參體內所含的18種氨基酸能夠增強組織的代謝功能,增強機體細胞活力,提高記憶力,適宜於生長發育中的青少年; 2. 海參含膽固醇低,脂肪含量相對少,是典型的高蛋白、低脂肪、低膽固醇食物,零嘌呤,對高血壓、冠心病、肝炎和痛風等病人及老年人堪稱食療佳品; 3. 海參含有硫酸軟骨素,有助於人體生長發育,能夠延緩肌肉衰老,增強機體的免疫力; 4. 海參微量元素釩的含量居各種食物之首,可以參與血液中鐵的輸送,增強造血功能; 5. 最近美國的研究學者從海參中萃取出一種特殊物質--海參毒素,這種化合物能夠有效抑制多種微菌及某些人類癌細胞的生長和轉移; 6. 食用海參對再生障礙性貧血、糖尿病、胃潰瘍等均有良效。 紅海參的「海蔘皂甙」提高細胞免疫力,抑制腫瘤的生長和轉移, 紅海參的「褐藻醣膠」有助降血壓、抑制血液凝結,患有高血壓、高血脂、冠心病、肝炎患者及中老年人,長期服用紅海參可緩解病症和有助治療效果。 5億年以來沒有滅絕而生存下來的濟州紅海參含有大量膠原蛋白和皂苷,自古以來被稱為“大 海中人參”,是像徵長生不老的代表性靈物。 紅海參膠是從濟州海女親自採集的天然濟州紅海參中提取營養成分製成的健康食品,產品為果凍狀,食用方便,兒童、孕婦、老年人等各年齡層皆宜。 方便又健康,一開即食的紅海參! 每盒10條,共3盒 Red Sea Cucumber from Jeju which has survived for 500 million years without becoming extinct contains collagen and Saponin in abundance. It is a typical mystical creature which symbolizes eternal youth & long life and has been called ‘ginseng in the sea’ from old times. This squeezable red sea cucumber gel is a healthy food which was produced by extracting nutrients from natural red sea cucumber of Jeju directly picked up by woman divers of Jeju in the sea and came out in the pudding type in order to make all ages from children in growth to pregnant women and the elder and vulnerable enjoy conveniently as health diet. 10 gel stick per box, 3 boxes in total Country of origin: Korea

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