內外兼修套裝 超值



內外兼修套裝包括1盒納豆素+ 1set 洗頭水 NKCP, a purified filtrate of Bacillus subtilis var. natto culture is a food based extract of “natto”, a Japanese traditional fermented food made from soybean. Purification to remove most of distinctive odor of natto and its vitamin K2 yields an easy-to-eat food that has a wide variety of uses as a functional food. NKCP contains proteolytic enzymes secreted by Bacillus subtilis var. natto (Bacillus subtilis var. natto-produced protein), which balance clotting mechanisms in the blood. In vitro and clinical studies have demonstrated that the consistent intake of NKCP over a prolonged period helps to maintain normal circulation. The safety of NKCP has been demonstrated in safety studies. • NKCP is extracted from Bacillus subtilis var. natto and it is free of the undesirable odor and viscous texture of natto. To function as (1) an anticoagulant (2) thrombolytic and (3) decreases blood viscosity. • The majority of the vitamin K2 has been eliminated, therefore it is less antagonistic to other drugs such as warfarin. • NKCP is standardized to contain specific levels of proteolytic enzymes secreted by Bacillus subtilis var. natto. • The principal functional enzyme (protease) is stable at pH 6.0-10.0 and at temperatures 60℃ or below. • The safety of NKCP has been confirmed in many animal and human studies. • The production process for this purified filtrate of Bacillus subtilis var. natto culture is registered under Patent No. 3532503 in Japan. 120 tablets, consume 2 per day. Made in Japan NKCP®精製納豆丸是全天然保健食品】 大和納豆丸NKCP是血栓溶解酵素,可以溶解在血管內的垃圾,令血管暢通,或有助改善三高問題: 血壓丶膽固醇丶血糖丶血脂 三大功能 : 清除血管垃圾 抑制廢物在血管積聚 減低血液黏性,令血液更流動 適合以下人士 : 中老年人、關注血液健康人士 心血管病患高危人士 因血液凝塊引起的頭痛、肩膀酸疼痛、腳部浮腫等患者 膽固醇高危人士 血液循環不好, 手和腳經常覺得冷 長時間在辦公桌上工作 持續在飛機,汽車等同一位置長時間 一盒120粒, 每天2粒 原產地:日本 純中藥草本成分/Pure natural ingredients 350毫升+70毫升 黑髮長生 洗髮液 因壓力或外部刺激導致脫髮的頭皮上適用韓方成分建陽丹和食藥廳認證成分,具有防止脫髮及養髮效果和抑制皮屑的洗髮液。 使用方法: 用溫水充分浸濕毛髮及頭皮後,取出3~5ml,均勻的按摩頭皮和毛髮後,在有泡沫的狀態下,等待3分鐘以上,之後清洗乾淨。 主要成分: 建陽丹(茯苓,何首烏,白首烏,地黃,旱蓮草,牛膝,菟絲子,補骨脂),菖蒲提取物,煙酰胺,鋅羥基吡啶硫酮,泛醇,生物素,Polyglyceryl-10 laurate, polyquaternium-7,薄荷醇 生格林是韓國著名大品牌,在1987年以"健康和美麗的文化創造"為企業理念創立之後, 通過中草藥的科學化集中開發了符合我們生理的高品位·高功效化妝品及健康功效食品 原產地: 韓國 This shampoo prevents hair loss and dandruff with Medicine ingredient ‘Geonyangdan’ and the ingredients proved by FDAs Usage instruction: Moisten head and hair, after massaging the head and hair with bubble, using 3~5ml, wait for 3 minutes and and rinse it. Main ingredients: Geonyangdan(Poria, Pleuropterus multiflorus, Cynanchum wilfordii, Fale daisy, Achyranthes japonica, Cuscuta seed, Psoralea corylifolia), Calamus extract, Nicotinamide, Zinc pyrithion, Dexpanthenol, Biotin, Polyglyceryl-10 laurate, polyquaternium-7, Menthol Since Saengreen,.Ltd was established in 1987 “creating healthy and beautiful culture” as a company motto, Saengreen have focused on developing health functional food and high quality cosmetics suitable for different population through scientification of Korean medicine. 350ml+70ml Country of origin: Korea

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