竹酢和田保健貼/Waton Chiku Saku Tape



竹酢和田保健貼 (24片裝) 袪濕腳貼、快速去濕,有效去水腫、腳腫、面腫,改善谷M、經期不適 清除濕重、血氣暢順、改善體質 - 香港醫護學會委託註冊中醫師進行面診評估之研究: *89%濕重有助改善 *87%血氣有助改善 *81%體質有助改善 • 香港醫護學會認可產品 •採用日本優質孟宗竹提煉而成的15年期竹酢原液 • 能於短時間內將身體濕氣、多餘水分抽出體外 • 有助促進血液循環、加速新陳代謝、消腫舒痛及祛濕排毒功效 • 改善身體疲勞、四肢痠軟、手腳冰冷狀況 日本製造 Waton Chiku Saku Tape (24 pcs) Eliminates Dampness in the Body Promotes Blood Circulation Improves Overall Body Wellness Research conducted by registered Chinese Medical Physicians commissioned by the Hong Kong Health Care Federation shows that: *89% of users experience reduced body dampness *87% of users observe an improvement in blood circulation *81% of users experience better body wellness levels  • Product accredited by the Hong Kong Health Care Federation • Developed using a 15-year top-quality bamboo vinegar extracted from the Japanese mōsō bamboo • Effectively eliminates excess dampness and water from the body • Helps to promote blood circulation, boost metabolism, alleviate body swelling, reduce pains and eliminate toxins • Reduces muscle fatigue, sore limbs and cold hands and feet Made in Japan
